What are the chakras?

Our body is more than we can see or touch. From old traditions and sages, we know that our body also has a subtle part made of energy.Just as our biological body has its energy centers or main organs that facilitate the optimum state of our health, our energy body has energy centers that lookContinue reading “What are the chakras?”

Programming the water

According to Masaru Emoto’s research, water has memory. Water absorbs and “remembers” the emotions or energy it came in contact with. A practical way to use this method for our daily benefit is: On a paper, write the energy or feeling you want to have more of in your life (love, peace, happiness).Fill a glassContinue reading “Programming the water”

Shunguite + Black Tourmaline

One protection tip to keep in mind is that all black stones can be used for energetic protection purposes. Today I wanted to address two of them. Shunguite: This is not a crystal, it is a mineral, and it is being studied for its interesting “ability” to regenerate damaged circuits in biological matter. In termsContinue reading “Shunguite + Black Tourmaline”

Full Moon and Crystal Clearing

I want to leave you a reminder to clean and discharge your crystals and stones with the power of the moonlight and recharge them with the power of the sun. On the night of the full moon, gather all your crystals and stones, whether they are in the form of jewelry or lose pieces. PlaceContinue reading “Full Moon and Crystal Clearing”