Co-Authoring the Book : How to be Happy?

I am happy to announce I have become the co-author of the book: How to be Happy – Is it your mindset? I share about spirituality and entrepreneurship and how life took me from a near-death experience to living a life where I can help, and hopefully, inspire people to heal their lives and businessesContinue reading “Co-Authoring the Book : How to be Happy?”

Purpose and entrepreneurship

When we put together spirituality and entrepreneurship: we have a purpose; this marriage brings purpose to our life, not only to our business but to our life. When we live out of focus, we think the purpose is having your company on the Forbes list or be the best in the West, to be theContinue reading “Purpose and entrepreneurship”

Spirituality and Entrepreneurship

So a lot of what I do, I call spiritual coaching for entrepreneurs because of my own experience, what happened to me. I am a very spiritual person; for me, spirituality is not something that keeps your head in the clouds or that you believe in some power outside of yourself. For me, spirituality isContinue reading “Spirituality and Entrepreneurship”

Reflections: Power over self, Facilitators v/s Gurus

Today I felt like reflecting on the concept of being a facilitator. When we start our path of self-discovery we are constantly looking for that person or teacher or guru that will give us the answers we are looking for. Unfortunately, many people get lost or hooked in the teachings or philosophies of people whoContinue reading “Reflections: Power over self, Facilitators v/s Gurus”

Female power and the energy to transform the world, a spiritual view

When we look for pictures of powerful or empowered women, the usual picture we see is a woman in a suit, running the world with strength and confidence, being a leader and a winner. The same description can be applied to a powerful man though. So, what is an empowered woman from spirit? As aContinue reading “Female power and the energy to transform the world, a spiritual view”