2021-2022 experiences, hopes, and wishes

2021 has been an interesting year indeed. I have the feeling that the polarities between people are slowly beginning to dissolve. Even if ever so slightly. Even if it is because we are confronted with the very thing we said we could never be/do/like/experience. I have experienced my own getting out of the proverbial shellContinue reading “2021-2022 experiences, hopes, and wishes”

A heartfelt holiday reflection

I was raised in a small family with a deep spiritual curiosity.I remember as a child my father took us on a pilgrimage through different religions, which led to a religion in which Christmas is not celebrated.This changed the dynamics of this time of the year. I was probably six or seven years old. IContinue reading “A heartfelt holiday reflection”

How do we become more present?

How do we become more present? There is a lot of information about being in the present: books, podcasts, everybody talks about that.Everybody has a different recipe for how to get into that state. And for me, an excellent tool to become present and find presence in everything we do is through breathing.One of theContinue reading “How do we become more present?”